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Outdoors in Autumn

There are times in everyone’s life when feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or depression occur. In most situations this sadness is a direct result of a stressor that is identifiable and generally will pass in a short period of time. However, there are times when depression can take over and you begin to feel hopeless that things will not improve. Some individuals have a genetic predisposition to depression and go through periods when things feel great and then all of a sudden they begin to feel a loss or control or an overwhelming sense of sadness. When depression begins to affect your life in a negative way then therapy may be indicated to help you to learn ways to manage or overcome the negative feelings and or thoughts.


Signs of Clinical Depression can include:


-Decrease or Increase in Sleep

-Decrease in interests you normally enjoy

-Increased feelings of guilt or hopelessness

-Decreased energy or not wanting to get out of bed or leave the house

-Decrease in concentration or focus

-Decrease or increase in appetite

-Decreased motor movements

-Thoughts of harm to yourself

-Increase in negative thinking that becomes hard to control


Depending on the level of emotional distress, therapy can help decrease the symptoms and help you to regain your life.


Therapy can help in many ways including:


-Decreasing symptoms with specific behavioral techniques

-Increasing a sense of control over symptoms including identifying the earliest signs 

-Providing tools to help change the thought process so negative thoughts do not take over

-Giving family or significant others tools to help support individuals in distress

-Providing a supportive environment to process and problem solve underlying causes


Call for a consultation to see how I can support you or a loved one at 805-427-5183

If you are having current thoughts of suicide or are in a crisis with which you need immediate assistance, please call 911, or the 24 hour suicide crisis line at (877) 727-4747

​© 2023 by Lousie Barnett


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